3. Collaborative Peer Review About Frontiers Academic. But I haven't submitted anything via ScholarOne. So based on what you say, and I hope I'm wrong, but it looks like the AE won't be sending your paper to reviewers. Since then the status changed to awaiting referee scores then a bit later to awaiting recommendation which was the status for about two weeks and a few. What does awaiting editor assignment mean? However, one month seems a bit too long. It is also time to respond quickly to any revision requests so that your paper. However, sometimes, the AE is not satisfied with the reviews and feels the need for an additional review. What causes hot things to glow, and at what temperature? High PRIORITY STANDARDS PROJECTS AWAITING ASSIGNMENT CS and QS GS 031 033 0 Translator and interpreter series revision OS GS 303. Any idea about Awaiting Recommendation status meaning even after several revisions How long does it take to get the final decision. //-->