The Federal Skill Worker Category

This program recognizes the benefits to Canada by The Federal Skill Worker category is prescribed as a class of persons who are skilled workers, who may become permanent residents on the basis of their ability to become economically established in Canada, and who intend to reside in a province other than Quebec.

Starting January 2015, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) introduced a new program called Express Entry. Express Entry program is based on a number and ranking system where an individual competes with other candidates in the pool. CIC sends invitation to selected applicants from the pool based on their score.

Minimum requirements:

Skilled work experience

Your work experience must be:

  • at least one year (1,560 hours total / 30 hours per week), continuous full-time or an equal amount in part-time,
  • paid work (volunteer work, unpaid internships do not count),
  • in the same job,
  • within the last 10 years, and
  • at skill type 0, or skill levels A or B of the 2011 National Occupational List.

Check with MayField Immigration about your eligibility to apply.

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