Knowing you belong to A, B, AB, or O-negative blood group (or positive) is important because it is vital for saving life many times. Still to date I am 33 and make friends in their 50's and 60's. Also I have heard of a tendency toward the arts. At the very least, the questioning process is more interesting than the answering process. So, yea, I get others to plug stuff in for me! People with RH negative blood are creative, and not just in art. Some people believe that your blood type should impact your diet. Some people may not know that there are also starseed blood types. I don't cause major malfunctions in machinery but, I do notice when I am upset that things kinda go on the fritz. Are there no gender roles in Rh negative relationships? I also have light brown amber eyes. The reality is here are distinct RH negative blood type characteristics. Rh Negative Organizations and Groups Worldwide, History of the World through the Eyes of Blood. That is because of the physical characteristics of RH negative blood type individuals. that said, there needs to be common groundhopefully some common interestsunderstandingrespectappreciationworking together to move forward/live in a similar direction together in some way. I am O neg. See, my parents and all my siblings have brown eyes. I'm wondering if you and I are having the same problem with out blood. In the same way, you can pick up emotions, you can sense what is going to happen. Just like there are different human blood types, there are also different Starseed blood types. There are some physical traits which can be proven, some mental tendencies (harder to prove), and some "magic" traits (very hard if not impossible to prove). You can have different blood types than your family members, but you will always have one of the four types. It's always in high demand because it can be used in emergencies when there's no time to test a patient's blood type. js.src = "//"; can feel rain before it happens. But that doesnt apply to everyone. The Structure and Function of the Rh antigen Complex. I wouldn't say I am highly intelligent my IQ score in high school was 125. An antigen is anything that riles up our immune system into making antibodies, and we have a lot--about 50--that are in our blood. Listening to the news on the radio or reading it on the Internet is fine, but I can't watch. The body will attack any foreign antigen, e.g., aperson with blood group B will be having B antigen on the red blood cells and therefore "A" antigen will be foreign. I don't wear watches and question our concept of time. It will have a bad effect. People with RH negative blood feel like they live on their own island. Facts, The RH Antigen is not related to monkey ancestors. I do get jumpy, but I would not consider myself easily scared. My father was an A- as well. Each one is special and has its unique qualities. If you get a transfusion of the same type of blood that you produce, this does not happen because your body recognizes those antigens as being a part of you. I have had unexplained BIZARRE things happen to those who wished me harm. List of Rh Negative Blood Type Personality Traits. When pregnant with my now 11 year old daughter. I don't know my blood type either, but I know I'm not negative. There are many theories and myths about RH negative blood type. I have never fit in to a groupEVER which actually made me pretty sad as a kid being called weird. These individuals are very active and energetic. Very good article,very informative.i am A NEG blood type ,with 15 of the characteristics you listed ,thanks ! These instances are pretty extreme but, seriously they did happen! They were related to the scottish and the irish. There are many different blood types globally, and each one is unique. And you do that with common daily events. I've seem many mentions here of grandmothers having the RH- factor. Mythic Spoiler Learn All You Need to Know about Magic the Gathering Cards, The most common travel mistakes and how to avoid them, Should Parents Pay for A Couples Wedding Invitations, Sensitive vision, sensitive smelling and hearing, They need to have all the facts and know the truth. As a woman I am more concerned with my unborn baby's health then wondering if I'm related to aliens. The same applies to writing, poetry, baking, designing, crafts, music, rituals, and more. It was also determined through years of collecting data that Type O people have a higher standard that they hold themselves to than the standard of all the other blood types combined. very sensitive and I also daydream a lot!!! You are just a deep thinker. (And yes --many blondes in my family who are not RH neg! Normal blood pressure and pulse. WOW! Why are we here? I have strawberry blonde hair and hazel eyes. Hi, Thanks for a very interesting article. I fought them off, waking up after wildly kicking my legs into the air. And for those of you interested in Basque life and culture, here is a video which you might like: Disclaimer: This blog, all of its content and all of my posts are for Entertainment Purposes Only. If you have the protein, then you are positive. There is a lot of information about common factors in people with Rh-negative blood. There are so many more things I could relate to on your list, but then I would write a book! I've always wanted to be a healer, although I tend to stay away from people because of the noise and emotions I pick up on everyone. There are not a lot of trolls and negative comments either. "Who's brain did you give me?" Your email address will not be published. Here are more details: Type O people have been linked to characteristics such as confidence, determination, resilience, and intuition, but they are also supposedly self-centered and unstable. there is another kind of knowing, not from books or what we have been told, a sensing, like intuition, if we have intuition or instinct left to us. Abby became a nickname 35 years ago. If you don't agree with something, just shut your pie hole and you move on. Tall and thin. I saw my stepmother in a dream before I ever met her. Blood group is determined by the presence of antigen (s) on the membrane of red blood cells. * I'm very interested in the unknown, although I am not religious at all. I was also a very academic child; I did not attend university due to personal circumstance, but I have managed to end up in a occupation that requires a decent level of intelligence. 6. This blood type is usually very balanced and even-tempered. We are white. Being labeled weird, not being able to tolerate shallow, boring, ignorant people too well,hot temper very high IQ along with my entire family. These Starseeds are believed to have been born from a double negative universe. Anyone else out there who has gotten this type of response to being different from the majority? Strongly I have my scientific-mathematical backgrounds in my completed college education with B.A. * I am extremely empathetic & have cried over something as ridiculous as a coffe commercial. I have I.Q. I dont know that I feel I have a mission in life though I am very goal driven. I have been struggling with something related to blood type since July and will try to write about it soon, for now, feeling tired and keep me posted! They have a deep sense of compassion, and they make excellent teachers. I have a larger than average head. Learning finally about all of this at my age has been absolutely life changing! (See also: DO RH NEGATIVE PEOPLE HAVE A CERTAIN LOOK?) People with RH negative blood describe these events as strange and unexplained. Many studies are being made on how different blood types have different advantages and disadvantages for health. While some people believe that the blood type itself makes someone a Starseed, others believe that only those with RH negative blood are Starseeds. I am have brown-amber eyes that turn burnt orange when I am emotional. I am often taken as my daughter's sister at schools and she is now 25. But the number of Neanderthal DNA present might have been greatly reduced as there are strong indications of issues in terms of the ability of a Neanderthal man being able to get a Homo sapiens female pregnant. Despite being a research nut and cry spiritually gifted. I am 42 year old woman who is rh-, I have always felt that I dont belong and my emotions are so intense, until 6 months ago I never knew that why I am so different is because of my bloodI have been scared of letting it be known that I am rh- ..but I was never sure why.. That might be my take on life, but a friend of mine is fond of saying I can fall into a bucket of sh** and come out smelling like a rose, so there's probably more than a grain of truth to it. Jan 12, 2017 at 12:49 pmExhaust Fan Said: (function(d, s, id) { Have you noticed how a lot of men with cleft chin have an oval type of face? Suffered for days. These overstressed personalities can lead to self-medicating with alcohol or drugs. feel different from others. I am a-, have most of the traits with the exception of the big head as mine is on the smaller side. People with the Type O Negative personality traits tend to be unpredictable because they want to be where the action is. Hello, I'm french canadian (My text will contain some mistakes with the english language). i am A negative. They want to let their skills and experience help others in the best possible way every day. Can rh negative people recognize each other? This is why most people with RH negative blood feel lonely. As for IQ - yeah - most of us are Mensa qualified. As there is a chance that Basque origin might lie in the ancient Sumerians, it would be interesting to get an idea over what their physical appearance was. I also have cold hands and feet but get overheated easily. It is based on the book, 'Eat Right 4 Your Type' by Dr. James D'Adamo, who was a pioneer in seeking out the blueprint, which he used to determine the differences between every person's specific dietary needs based on their blood type. Ciel Clark (author) from USA on February 02, 2019: I have been reading the comments, so interesting (David Smith, Billy, Renee, & so many others). That is probably the reason why my second son is fine. Im trying to learn how I need to take care of myself because my health is not good but Im learning what I need to do to change it. People that believe in the alien race on Earth myth tend to agree they have reptilian features. I have always felt like I could "read" people and their energy right away and I believe this works in reverse too ie .animals and the ability to make very bad people back away. I have previously fainted from hot showers and saunas. There are some far-out theories floating around, from alien astronauts to mystical beings to snakes. I swear I must have been abducted at a very young age because I hated going to sleep because of seeing cat people. Those blood types are either positive or negative, based on the presence of a protein that is referred to as the Rh factor. Yes, I have the extra rib too. This information is useful in a statistical sense for general health care, but it is not predictive for a single individual. Had just a fine childhood. I'm always thinking about my old friends from back then. Twice I had experiences with dreams of extraterrestrials entering my room while I am sleeping. It's very strange. You can tune your feelings, and you can take on other persons emotions. as I am the otherworldly person from another world( 4 star systems in Andromeda Galaxy MI-#1)---Not belonging to humankind on the Earth. I too am O-, and have never felt at home on this planet. After that, get on with your life. Which one resembles your the most? They have unique gifts and talents that make them unique, such as the ability to see both the positive and negative sides of a situation. These people know what they can do, create plans to get work done, then implement a strategy which allows them to do it. * I have very dark, almost black hair, light skin & green/blue/gray eyes. 7. Is astigmatism more common among rh(D) negative persons? Type O blood can be used in place of type O negative when type O negative is in short supply. First of all, what is Rh-negative blood? Many times an interviewer will ask a potential candidate their blood type at an interview. I think so, but as of now there are many strange happenings in my life for which I have no logical explanation. I think a Neanderthal link is more likely than Reptilian Snake head dude from ancient Egypt's realm of the Gods. I do not know if I have an extra rib or vertebra; I do have a rib that I can wiggle back and forth (the bottom rib on each side) and it feels shorter than the rest. I have always been the top of my class academically. People who have Rh Negative blood tend to prefer facts over opinions when speaking with others or conducting research. Have some of the traits - low BP, large head, inquisitve. And then there is also a big chance that male offspring could have been born sterile further explaining the low percentage of Neanderthal DNA remaining in us. My hands and feet often feel too cold. I actually made better friends with teachers, counselors, principals etc. The "antigens" are special molecules that can elicit an immune response. Things You Should Know About O Negative Blood Type, Leukocytes in Urine: Symptoms, Causes & Treatments, Symptoms of Iron Deficiency and the Causes and Treatments, 4 Ways of Increasing Your Red Blood Cells, Water Retention in the Legs: Causes & Treatments, Low Hemoglobin Level? Some call it a tail. I wrote this when I found out I was RH neg, and why this is not so important for the first baby but very important for any following babies. my first child is o negative. But again, there are things that you can do in terms of eating and exercising that can help minimize your risk and maximize your lifestyle choices for good health. "Abby's" he replies. an there are 36 different Rh antigens so I am an O- Neg. Otherwise use first name and last initial. I survived my whole child hood by trusting my instincts and they have always kept me safe which is saying something. Unfortunately they already labeled the protein Antigen RH. At 10:30 that night, we fell from his 4th floor balcony in the middle of a kiss, not even knowing we were going over the railing and landed on cement below. I've always had a big head too lol. I've been looking for negative aspects to being Rh negative, and besides the very important downside faced by pregnant Rh-negative women, there is not a lot of bad hype. And as for them , my feeling is leaning to the dimensional over the galactic. I'm also very strong. I defended the children so stong on the social medias and don't understood why people looked indifferents and cold about these issues. To say I am blown away by this is an understatement. The Type O Negative blood type personality traits are based on universal truths. Mom went into the windshield above the steering wheel and I helped her back into her seat, doors would not open and there was a brilliant red glow. I am very empathetic and compassionate, I often put other before myself. It's only a short time that I've known that I wasn't partly a Black man. In a way, I like being a bit different. Your email address will not be published. BTW, my 4 other children are nothing like us. This is why people with RH negative have a fear of heights and fear of flying. Learn how we can help. that said, there needs to be common groundhopefully some common interestsunderstandingrespectappreciationworking together to move forward/live in a similar direction together in some way. If that has been taken, use your full first and last name. Felt I passed some small psychic tests when young and into playing games. They are believed to have leadership qualities and are considered innovators and trend setters. They will see right through you, and stop any further communication. I've always had a psychic connection with my RH- daughter. I, along with my sister, have low blood pressure and a low heart rate. Some people will purposely create feelings through their interactions with others to give themselves an extra boost. Does salt water carry significant health benefits for Rh negative individuals? Take me". How theres a bit of Neanderthal in all of us: DNA link to cavemen revealed. (I have some good days though). I started researching myself a long time ago trying to find some answers, and when I found out I was RH neg, I added that to the list. Are-- Are you for real? Does salt water carry significant health benefits for Rh negative individuals? I am intelligent, I enjoy problem-solving and building systems. In order to find out your blood type, you will need to go to your doctor and request a blood test. Your email address will not be published. They carried a sacred book which turned out to be a cookbook for humans. No exceptions. One site on-line claims that the Rh negative blood factor is the "Blood of the Gods". im self-programming. Hmmm. So, when these two characteristics combine (ABO and RH characteristics), there are actually 8 most common blood types, such as: O-positive O-negative A-positive A-negative B-positive B-negative AB-positive AB-negative Many people with the RH negative blood type are born with extra bone. What Causes High Blood Pressure in the Young Adults. I can hear a conversation clear across the room. WOW!!! Can they be explained? I have another pregnant daughter living with me with terrible morning sickness and I throw up 3 times a week now. And nobody can surprise you. O negative blood is the purest form of blood, and it is often associated with Indigos and other lightworkers. I have O- blood. The thought of being close or relating to aliens I'm not understanding though because that is exactly my only biggest fear. I am D + and my Husband is D -. Such real dreams that I have never forgotten them all these years later. Rhesus Negative Friends and Organizations Worldwide, 29.5% Rh- in the Al-Jouf Province of Saudi Arabia. The thought of a different ancestor (that is to say, a non-ape one) is facsinatimg to me. I am very curious and always asking questions, I value honesty and knowledge over anything. Read Internet, and watching Youtube are fine for me. Some might say the RH negative blood type features suggest alien origin. You're spreading nonsense to gullible people. Not quite MENSA , athletic but feeling the wear and tear of time. As native Europeans since the Paleolithic had. (just thought I would put that out there) Thank you HubPages for giving me a place to vent. Where should you get your ancestry tested? I have extremely perceptive and heightened intution. I am not sure exactly what this means. i have blue eyes, Strawberry Blonde Hair, EXTREMELY pale skin, Ive always felt that I do have a larger than normal head but Im not too sure about that one. Its freaky scary to me. Are you an Rh negative mother with an Rh positive mother? There are 4 of us siblings and I'm the only one rarer than the others. Are you an Rh negative mother with an Rh positive mother? You prefer facts over opinions. Alien origin you give me? about common factors in people with blood! Social medias and do n't agree with something, just shut your pie hole and you move on things... Link is more interesting than the others there are 36 different RH antigens so I am emotional can lead self-medicating... Compassion, and more doctor and request a blood test me pretty as. 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