Lets walk through the most common screen creating links between existing issues from an issues detail view. These operations return link information like this: Jira allows sufficiently privileged users to edit the configuration of issue link types. What third-party applications can I integrate with? {{issue.fixVersions.name}} Returns the name of the fix version. {{issue.comments.size}} - Returns the number of comments on the issue. The message call values is loading differently compare to 2.4.1 to 2.6.0. . For more info on the syntax, formatting, and how to access issue fields, see Smart values - syntax and formatting. The Jira issue view uses the labels provided in Different scenarios are possible. Because this smart value deals with multiple items (i.e: issues can have many fix versions), it can be used with the#symbol to apply the rule to each individual fix version. When applying the smart value issue.url.customer, observed that when an email is sent, it does not update the customer ticket URL. Jira is one of the most popular project and task management tools for software developers. for a select field. @Stephen Doyle have you found a solution your question yet? {{versions.archived}}- Returnstrueif the affects version is archived, andfalseif not. Seeaccesing multi-value fields, Added by: This is added any time an issue is added. Accesses information related to a file attachment on an issue. {{attachment.author.emailAddress}} Returns the email address associated with the user name. For example, when setting multiple Fix Versions, then you can iterate over these using{{#changelog.fixVersion}}{{toString}}. It comes in particularly handy if you link issues between different Jira sites. The Atlassian Community can help you and your team get more value out of Atlassian products and practices. Share the love by gifting kudos to your peers. You could then use this to count the number of issues returned. {{issue.epic. {{attachment.author.displayName}} Returns the name displayed in your Jira instance. [Custom Field].name}} - Returns the visible label displayed on the left of the field. To do this, developers simply need to include a specific syntax in their Git commit message that includes the Jira issue number and the desired transition. For now, there is no method for calling only linked issues. Here's the message source for my example: Issue { {issue.key}} is now for your review! Unfortunately, this is not always the case with Jira. See all smart values that access and manipulate Jira issue data such as sprint, parent, or version. Examples of using smart values with lists. In progress. So if you have added any GitHub data to your issue, you can find the json representation of the issue and try finding out the right smart value with customField.value. {{issue.security.name}} - Returns the security level name. What third-party applications can I integrate with? In Jira, you can automate linked issues management. Get answers to your question from experts in the community, Share a use case, discuss your favorite features, or get input from the community. This is useful for keeping track of how much time is being spent on different tasks, and can help teams better manage their time and resources. Linked Issues in Jira will help teams to manage the developed code, estimate the scope of work, and monitor the general and individual employee progress. issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf(project=PRDAPP), You can add a specific link type if you want to get the list of issues linked to a specific set of issues with a specific link type. : To do,In progress, orDone). [~accountid:{{issue.assignee.accountId}}] Returns user account whos assigned to the issue, [~accountid:{{initiator.accountId}}] Returns the user who initiated a rule. {{issue.parent.priority.name}} - Returns the priority of the subtasks's parent issue. Learn more about date and time smart values. {{issue.Customer Request Type}} - Returns the customer request type for older Jira instances. These can be combined with other date and time smart values. Properties are frequently used by add-ons and integrations to store values, e.g. Besides, this workaround is a bit unstable as Jiras API reference changes from time to time. Or you could count how many issues have the same label, same fixVersion, etc. A reciprocal link means that you only need to add it on one of the connected issues and not on both. You can access an insight field's full name, key, or summary through the following smart values: You can access a Tempo Account field's properties through the following smart values: To test what your smart value returns, use the, The active issue. Examples of using smart values with text strings. Some issues may block the implementation of some features or bug fixing for others; they can also cause another issue to emerge. {{issue.assignee.displayName}} Returns the issues assignee. Accesses information fromJira Service Managementrequests. labeled ends rather than arrows implying direction. {{issue.status}} Returns the issues status, {{issue.status.name}} Returns the issues status, {{issue.summary}} Returns the issues summary, {{issue.versions}} Returns the issues Affects versions. {{issue.fix.Versions.archived}} - Returns true if the fix version is archived, andfalse if not. Learn more about Git Integration for Jira. {{issue.url}} - Returns the URL of the issue. This is how you would return multiple responses using the smart value: Accesses information for a worklog entry that has just been logged against an issue. Ultimately, smart commits through Git Integration for Jira help improve the collaboration and organization of a development team, making it easier for everyone to stay on the same page and work together effectively. when setting multiple Fix Versions) then you can iterate over these using the{{#changelog.fixVersion}}{{toString}}{{/changelog.fixVersion}}expression. Learn more about using smart values with sections and lists. Multiple comments on the active issue (this example is explained in detail inhow to use smart values), Components of an issue as a list. Used with: the Clone issue, Create issue, and Create sub-tasks actions. the issue link type configuration to suggest the directionality of the links. This re-fetches the latest state of the issue from Jira. For example, the name and URL of a web link. {addedfieldChange.field}} - Returns the field which has changed due to addition of a value. Learn about the concepts and procedures related to automation in Jira Cloud. Quite obviously, you can link Jira issues to each other. The inwardIssue and outwardIssue fields identify the link end type and are used to determine the label to Examples of how you can use smart values to set the text value of an issues field, such as Summary or Description. I'm writing a ruleto send Slack notifications with the 'Automation for Jira' add-on. Two workarounds are possible for this: JQL and REST API queries. This should work for any of the fields, so just change issue to triggerIssue. issue IN linkedIssues ("ID-101") To identify all the issues linked to a specific issue. For example, {{attachment.first.size}} will return the file size of the first attachment. Added by: Webhook TriggerThis allows access to data that was sent along with the incoming webhookThe body of the Webhook request. You can create linked issues by creating a link between two existing issues or by creating a new linked issue from an existing issue. Otherwise, register and sign in. {{comment.visibility.value}} - Returns the comment restriction label if any, e.g. Because this smart value deals with multiple items (i.e: issues can have many Affects versions), it can be used with the#symbol to apply the rule to each individual component. If multiple values are changed (e.g. Accesses any issue property. Can be combined with other user smart values. Added by: Send web request with "Wait for response" checkedOn successful request, you will be able access webhook response data using the following smart values: Multiple responses can be access via the following fields: Added by: Worklogged TriggerThe worklog entry that has just been logged against an issue. It is better to use this than name as it cannot be changed. For example, a developer could write a commit message like this: JIRA-123 #comment this is a test comment. When the commit is pushed to the Git repository, the comment will be automatically added to the specified Jira issue. {{versions.released}}- Returnstrueif the affects version is released, andfalseif not. I would like to pull specific information from the description of a linked ticket. Although Jira allows attachments, you do not need to upload huge video files. {{issue.Story Points estimate}} Returns the issues story point estimate (team-managed Jira Software Cloud only). {{issue.affectedServices.name}} - Returns the names of the issue's Affected services. Accesses time tracking estimates. {{changelog.summary}} - Changelog information for theSummaryfield. Unlike other issue fields, I can't get the remote links by smart values like '{{issue.key}}'. e.g. They do not necessarily need to belong to the same Jira site a teams workspace in big organizations and a companys workspace in smaller organizations but can also exist on remote Jira sites. You can access the current watchers of an issue. You can use the issuelinks information in Automation, although as you discovered it's not as straightforward as just calling other fields. Understand the general concepts and best practices of automation in Atlassian Cloud products. You can access useful things like the previous status during a transition, Added by: Jira Triggers that contain a comment. {{attachment.author.emailAddress}}: Returnsthe email address associated with the user name. From the Jira homepage, click on the name of the project to view it. You can use them to access and manipulate almost any issue data from Jira. Activity. If the details of THING-1: Car are retrieved using the REST API using GET /rest/api/3/issue/THING-1, the issueLinks and GET /rest/api/3/issue/{issueIdOrKey}. The issue smart values are used to access information related to the rules active issue, which is the issue the rule is currently acting on. See, This allows access to data that was sent along with the incoming webhook, Added by: Send web request with "Wait for response" checked. This guide explains the Jira issue linking model to aid understanding of how issue links work and Learn more about date and time smart values. The ability to write smart commits is just one of the many benefits offered by Git Integration for Jira. Click and play Automation Create rule All rules Global rules MP Most popular DT Distributed teams N Notifications D DevOps SI Sync issues JB {{issue.watchers.displayName}} - Returns the watcher's display name. {{issue.updated}} - Returns the date the issue was updated. Linked issues in Jira are a great way to keep track of possible impediments, dependencies, and casualties inside your project, and eventually allow you to plan your project timeline better. Can be used with both Approval required and Approval completed triggers: {{approval.createdDate}} - Returns creation date of approval. {{issue.watchers.emailAddress}} - Returns the watcher's email address. {{issue.parent.epic.summary}} - Returns the summary of the parent issue's epic. Accesses the details of a subtask's parent issue. Do more to earn more! Learn more about using smart values with sections and lists. {{attachment.author.active}} Returns true if their account is active, and false if not. Hope this helps! The issuelinks object is fairly nested, so you'll need to summon values farther down using the dot notation on the object. IssueLinkManager linkMgr = ComponentAccessor.getIssueLinkManager (); List<IssueLink> outwardLinks = linkMgr.getOutwardLinks (issue.id); List<IssueLink> inwardLinks = linkMgr.getInwardLinks (issue.id); Share Follow edited Jul 20, 2016 at 9:11 Learn more about user smart values. {{comment.author}} - Returns the ID of comment's author. Get answers to your question from experts in the community, Share a use case, discuss your favorite features, or get input from the community. {{addedfieldChange.values}} - Returns the new value/values added. This feature is very useful when two issues have some type of a dependency on each other as if they are duplicates or relate to each other, upstream downstream dependency or blocking issues. e.g. Thats how you got JQL: Jira Query Language. {{issue.comments.last.body}} - Returns the body of the last comment. This requires building a simple data pipeline in addition to the API calls. Fix versions of an issue as a list. how to interpret issue link details exposed by the Jira REST APIs. You can specify a default value to prevent this. To make sure I didn't miss an issue link, I included both types in the call for my smart values. {{issue.TempoAccountField}} - Returns the name of the account, {{issue.TempoAccountField.id}} - Returns the ID of the account, {{issue.TempoAccountField.name}} - Returns the name of the account, {{issue.TempoAccountField.value}} - Returns the name of the account, Can be used with: the Approval required trigger and the Approval completed trigger. You need to use IssueLinkManager for get IssueLink. In addition to that, you can connect a Jira issue to a Confluence page or even to any other URL. Indeed, mapping issues with each other makes sense if you can review these connections easily. {{issue.status}} - Returns the issue's status, {{issue.status.name}} - Returns the issue's status, {{issue.summary}} - Returns the issue's summary, {{issue.versions}} - Returns the issue'sAffects versions. Accesses the values in an issue's Affected services field. From the drop down menu you can describe why the link exists. All properties available to{{issue}}are also available on this smart value. This smart value requires an expensive reload of issue data and should only be used in situations where subsequent actions need to have visibility of the latest state of an issue, e.g. Jira's smart value for this is [~accountid: { {initiator.displayName}}] but what you will put in your automation is only the second part { {initiator.displayName}}. Also provides the customer portal URL for Jira Service Management issues. {{attachment.author.timeZone}} Returns the timezone the user is registered being in; this doesnt change dynamically based upon where the user logs in from, it is the timeZone registered in their user account. These can be combined with other user smart values. Record your screen, webcam, and microphone or any combination of them, Annotate your video while you are recording, Add interactive elements for viewer engagement, Make your video available to others using various methods and rules, Organize your videos and let others edit and comment on them, Keep your videos in our secure unlimited cloud and set up its availability. {{deletedFieldChanged.fieldId}} - Returns the fieldId of the field that has changed due to deletion of a value. Keep earning points to reach the top of the leaderboard. Learn about the concepts and procedures related to automation in Jira Cloud, Smart values allow you to access issue data within Jira. This example shows the previous status id (for use in another Edit action). You do see other linked issues on a single issue but may have difficulties with creating reports or comprehensive overviews of them. In the Linked Issues section, use the dropdown menu to select the type of relationship you want to create. Used to access the values in an issue'sFix Versionsfield. E.g. Learn more about using smart values with sections and lists. Utilizing substringBetween to pull info from linked ticket description. Use the search box below the relationship dropdown to specify which other issues you want to link to. {{approval.addedApprovers}} - Returns the set of approvers added to issue. {{attachment.author}}: Returnsthe user who added the attachment. 1.Develop robust principles: Whatever, before you get on to unknown roads, it's always good to carry a roadmap. Returns a list of issues from a JQL search caused bythe Lookup issues action. {{attachment.author.timeZone}}: Returns the timezone the user is registered being in; this doesn't change dynamically based upon where the user logs in from, it is the timeZone registered in their user account. For smart values related to the Insight feature in Jira Service Management, see Jira smart values - Assets. {{issue.epic.key}} - Returns the epic's key, e.g. You can also use this with, . Automation for Jira Server JIRAAUTOSERVER-326 Smart Values - issue.issuelinks Export Details Type: Suggestion Status: Gathering Interest ( View Workflow) Resolution: Unresolved Fix Version/s: None Component/s: Smart-values Labels: None Feedback Policy: Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. {{issue.fixVersions.releaseDate}} Returns the fix versions release date. {{assignee.displayName}} - Returns the assignee, {{reporter.displayName}} - Returns the reporter, {{issueType.name}} - Returns the issue type, {{resolution}} - Returns the resolution status, {{created}} - Returns the date the issue was created, {{updated}} - Returns the date the issue was updated, {{Story Points}} - Returns the story points for the issue (company-managed Jira Software), {{Story point estimate}} - Returns the story points for the issue (team-managed Jira Software). role. Using specific syntax in a commit message, developers can leverage smart commits to perform additional actions like add a comment to a Jira issue, transition an issue, and more. One of its features has proven a particular usefulness in this context: linking Jira issues to each other. There you can find the smart values for an issue or issues, field values, comments, attachments, parent issues and more. {{changelog.status}} - Changelog information for theStatus field. Learn more about list smart values. {{sprint.isStarted}} Returns true if the sprint has started, and false if not. If you communicate with your team asynchronously and do not have to wait for the next stand-up to provide an explanation, consider adding a video message to a Jira issue. On an issue, either select another issue from the dropdown (1) or click on "+ Create linked issue" (2): This flexibility allows you to keep track of dependencies between issues easily. Learn how to find the right Jira automation smart values for your issue fields in Jira Cloud. The following example prints all the issue keys returned from the JQL search, in bullet point form. {{attachment.size}} Returns the attachment file size in bytes. Used with the Related issues condition. For example, if the epic has a custom field called Initiative, then {{issue.epic.Initiative}} will return the value in the Initiative field. Join now to unlock these features and more. {{issue.InsightField}} - Returns the issue summary and issue key, {{issue.InsightField.key}} - Returns the issue key, {{issue.InsightField.summary}} - Returns the issue summary. The example below lists each person watching the issue - both their display name and their email address - in bulletpointform. This is a safe sandbox environment where you can interactively explore 100s of automation templates to see exactly how they work. {{issue. {{issue.fixVersions.releaseDate}} - Returns the fix version's release date. To test what your smart value returns, use themanual triggerwithlog actionand the result displays in theaudit log. To do this, developers simply need to include a specific syntax in their Git commit message that includes the Jira issue number and the amount of time they want to record. this is only available for some triggers. Challenges come and go, but your rewards stay with you. This can provide additional context or information about the code changes that are being made. The three properties above can also be added to this, for example,{{issue.affectedServices.dependentServices.tier}} will return the dependent services' tiers. issues THING-1 and FEAT-1, FEAT-2, FEAT-3, and FEAT-4. Learn more about user smart values, {{approval.completedDate}} - Returns completion date of approval. For example, a developer could write a commit message like this: JIRA-123 #in-progress. When the commit is pushed to the Git repository, the specified Jira issue will be automatically transitioned to the in-progress stage of the workflow. For example, if its a duplicate or is blocked, or simply Relates to the other Jira issue. [Custom Field].description}} - Returns the text displayed below the custom field viewed in the Simple Search column. should be labeled with the value of the type.inward field. [property]}} The issue smart values are used to access information related to the rule's activ It is important to understand that you can freely combine these: you can use any type in any action, even mixing the two types in the same action. Menu to select the type of relationship you want to link to { issue.fix.Versions.archived }... 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