He also had a handful of 16-, 17- and 18-year-old wives, all of whom he married in his forties. Many Mormons followed Brigham Young, who became Smiths successor. It is also one of the fastest-growing Christian churches in the world, due to its 74,079 active missionaries spread all over the world. Mormons aren't Christian. In more than half of the states in the U.S., Mormonism is the fastest-growing religion. Prior to creation human spirits were literal children of heavenly parents. Most congregations, however, range from three hundred to eight hundred members; these are called wards. Mormons aren't supposed to drink caffeinated beverages. From the LDS website: Brigham Young stated, Joseph the Prophet told me that the garden of Eden was in Jackson Missouri. Heber C. Kimball said: From the Lord, Joseph learned that Adam had dwelt on the land of America, and that the Garden of Eden was located where Jackson County now is. Other early leaders have given the same information. Members believe that God speaks to His prophets to teach, warn, and inspire His children. We are the Latter-day Saints. He claimed to have had a vision from God wherein Jesus said that none of the sects were truly correct. People who had been living there before the Saints came along would feel threatened and it led to tensions between the two groups. Though rituals and practices vary among people who identify as Wiccan, most observations include the festival celebrations of solstices and equinoxes, the honoring of a male god and a female goddess, and the incorporation of read more, Islam is the second largest religion in the world after Christianity, with about 1.8 billion Muslims worldwide. Fact #2: The Restoration of the gospel was necessary for salvation. At a family council, God the Father told the spirit-children that according to his plan of salvation they would have to leave their heavenly home, take on human bodies, and be tested before they could progress to godhood. According to Mormonism, everything in the universe including God is ultimately governed by eternal transcendent laws and principles. The religious literature handed out by the earnest young missionaries in Temple Square makes no mention of the fact that Joseph Smithstill the religions focal personage married at least thirty-three women and probably as many as forty-eight. Sarah Lawrence and Lucy Walker were only 17 when they became wives of the prophet. Despite similarities in practice, their lack of involvement in the greater LDS church means that they arent considered actual Mormons. The church teaches that all humans existed in spirit form and lived with God before they were born on Earth. The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ: "The Book of Mormon is a volume of holy scripture comparable to the Bible. Thats right, the namesake of one of Americas most recognizable post-secondary institutions collected wives faster than I collect hate mail. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! Viewed from 175 countries or territories. Satan rejected this plan and wanted to implement one that would have involved loss of moral agency. In Mormon theology, the purpose and project of man is not to glorify or to serve God, but rather the inverse. Interesting facts of how people watch or listen live: Aside from the 55,410 volunteer missionaries who are serving in 340 different missions all over the world, who go sharing the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Mormons also offer family history help, lots and lots of service, humanitarian efforts, and even provide relief to struggling individuals and families (temporally, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually). Fundamentalist Christian groups and the Mormons just do not get along. There are currently (at last head count) 15,082,028 Mormons Worldwide. In the early years of the LDS church, the Saints were forced to hop from place to place and in each new town they settled, they faced extreme prejudice from the other, non-LDS residents. The churchs official website is LDS.org, where you can find out much more information on Mormon beliefs and practices. According to the stories, Smith received another message from God, telling him that the the water had been cursed by my servant John. Although growth has slowed over the last few years, the LDS church continues to see an increase in membership each year. According to a 2011 Pew Research poll, about 62 percent of Mormons say Americans are uninformed about their religion. They believe it is a collection of sacred texts that contain many of God's revelations to His children from the Creation of the earth to the ministries of Jesus and His Apostles, and they are encouraged to study and follow its teachings. Copyright The Delite, All Rights Reserved. Only those in the celestial kingdom will live in Gods presence. Most sects perceive these as different aspects of the same god. Mormons practice clothing rituals that include wearing special undergarments that have religious significance. An increasing number of Mormons are concerned that women cant hold the priesthood. This plan, often called the plan of salvation, helps Latter-day Saints answer important questions such as "Where did I come from?" Every young Mormon expects to serve a two-year mission overseas. Smith, himself, received many death threats, with one person actually making good on their threat when he was assassinated in 1844. For those more familiar with Christianity, its not too farfetched of an idea. Apparently Mormons dont just like the play, but they reenact it as well. The Nephi were people who believed in Christ, even before he was born. Both the Old Testament and the New Testament have undergone changes over the centuries, read more, When Brigham Young and his band of Mormon settlers marched into Utah in 1847, they saw a vast expanse of land they envisioned as a sanctuary. It covers events that occurred from about2500 B.C. Although, Mormons dont really prefer to be called as such. And if you are asking yourself why to any of these facts, I invite you to find out for yourselfask a Mormon neighbor/co-worker/friend, attend a Mormon meeting, read the Book of Mormon, and of course humbly ask Godafter all Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you (Matthew 7:7). All religions have their rites of passage and manners to indoctrinate others. Some of these groups include the Community of Christ, and the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 2016 Statistical Report for 2017 April Conference. Other interesting facts about Mormons: 100% of sacramental services focus on Jesus Christ. The LDS Church still puts a high amount of importance on traditional gender roles. But after the body is reunited with the spirit, humans go to different places: Celestial Glory The highest level of the celestial heavenly kingdom is for (married) Mormons who have kept all the Celestial laws and commandments (this is what they refer to by eternal life). While the relatively new faith is still working to define its place as a major world religion, its likely to be a major contender in the coming years. It is true that the Mormon church has banned polygamy. While most adapt interesting practices as a result, Mormons also have unique ways of greeting each other. Joe Carter is a senior writer for The Gospel Coalition, author of The Life and Faith Field Guide for Parents, the editor of the NIV Lifehacks Bible, and coauthor of How to Argue Like Jesus: Learning Persuasion from Historys Greatest Communicator. In addition to that the Church owns 400 welfare farms and 220 canneries/welfare storehouses to care for the poor. These groups arent to be confused with or identified as Mormons, however. 6. Within Mormonism, Jesus is identified with the Yahweh of the Old Testament. Large majorities of Mormons believe that families can be bound together eternally in temple ceremonies (95%) and that God the Father and Jesus Christ are separate, physical beings (94%). The text gives an account of ancient prophets who lived in the Americas. Its similar to the Christian version of Hell, only not eternal. However, Mormon couples are actually free to choose however many children they want to have. Currently the president of the Church of Latter-Day Saints is Russell M. Nelson. Clarifying the terms Mormons use as well as their views on the Bible, the authors reveal the huge chasm between what Mormons and Christians believe. This stems from the idea of it not being Christ-centered. Still, a small number of fundamentalists, who broke from the church, continue to practice plural marriage. In recent years, the church acknowledged that Joseph Smith wed as many as 40 wives, some as young as age 14. 10. Tensions were at a boiling point after the assassination of Mormon apostle, Parley P. Pratt in Arkansas as well as the fall out from the Utah War. There are Mormon Fundamentalists and even cultural Mormons. The church also teaches that men and women will only be punished for their own sins and not for Adams transgression. Different from most Christian sects, Mormonism is always open to change. That makes it easy to think thats a part of the doctrine. People have an assumption that Mormons are afraid of large bodies of water. The Gospel Coalition supports the church by providing resources that are trusted and timely, winsome and wise, and centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ. Someone may identify as a Mormon, but not be a member of the LDS Church. This misconception may come from a canoe journey made by Joseph Smith and some Mormon elders in the 19th Century. Joseph Smiths Youngest wife was 14, Brigham Youngs just 15. Fast Facts on Mormonism by John Ankerberg and John Weldon; Speaking the Truth in Love to Mormons by Mark Cares; Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Mormons by Ron Rhodes "He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son" (Revelation 21:7). Sealing records show that Young was indeed sealed to 54 women after he became a Latter Day Saint and legal records show marriage to one woman prior. They were all, for the most part, perfectly lovely people. Some modern Mormon women pray to an entity known as the Heavenly Mother. 2. Also, Satan is Jesus younger brother. Despite what many people believe, Mormons do not practice polygamy. The Church as a whole sponsors LDS Humanitarian Services, which is all about humanitarian efforts. It includes details about Joseph Smith and the fact that h. That makes them, in general, good neighbors. Theres the Celestial Kingdom for the Mormons. Prior to using seer stones to translate the Book of Mormon from golden tablets, Joseph Smith was arrested for swindling people out of their money with those same seer stones. Find more information to commonly asked questions about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. After the Book of Mormon was published, Mormonism began to spread and grow rapidly. It is one of the fastest-growing religion in the US With 6 million members, Mormonism is the fourth largest religion in the US. Founded by Joseph smith in 1830, it has grown from a small group of outcasts to a significant size of nearly seven million followers. A disproportionate number of top jobs are actually held by Mormons. Members of the LDS Church are actually more likely to participate in church activities in comparison to other Christian sects. It is a record of God's dealings with ancient inhabitants of the Americas and contains, as does the Bible, the fulness of the everlasting gospel. Note on sources: Wherever possible, I included links directly to official Mormon sources. Scholars are also unsure who was directly responsible for the violence. Children in the church are typically baptized at 8 years of age. And its believed that Jesus will eventually return to America as well. The focus on families is a well-known aspect of Latter-day Saint culture; most Church members say that marriage and being a good parent are among the most important things in life. Having many children provides those spirits with new bodies, while also having the benefit of increasing the size of the faith. Followers claim that God sent more prophets after Jesuss death. It was founded in 1830 in upstate New York by Joseph Smith, who said he received the word of God from an angel named Moroni, son of Mormon. Speaking of angels and demons, the Mormon church believes that Jesus and Satan are siblings. They call the event the Hill Camorra Pageant. And over half believe that a marriage where the husband goes to work and the wife stays home is preferable to both spouses having jobs. Interesting Facts About The History of Hanukkah, 8 Unhygienic Habits People Had During the Medieval Age, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Word of Wisdom, Section 89, Doctrine & Covenants. At the center of the plan is Jesus Christ. If you like what I do here and want to support my work, you can donatehereor become a patronhere. And they mostly eat fruit and vegetables, with only a little bit of meat. There are a few different reasons, but one of them is that they have a strict sense of morals. They believe thats where the righteous will gather for the second coming of Jesus Christ. They say that the original church has been restored in modern times. Thats a few years higher than the average U.S. life expectancy of 78 years old. Long before the Europeans arrived in the Americas, the Book suggests, there was a group of people living there called the Nephites. The Saints are often considered one of the most rapidly growing religions in the world. You will learn something about everything! Your email address will not be published. After Jesus Christ's Crucifixion and the deaths of His Apostles, the fulness of the gospel was absent from the earth because of widespread apostasy. It inspired me to write this post and I hope it inspires you to share it and keep talking about it. If they are found to be worthy enough, they are then given a Temple Recommend, allowing them access to the LDS Temples across the world. Smith and his followers were persecuted heavily during their early years and chased out of several towns before they ended up in Utah. Mormonism is growing. Lorde has an Instagram account where she rates onion rings. They do not smoke or drink alcohol. The founder had up to 48 wives while the exact number of women who married the prophet Joseph Smith is in dispute, the only people who deny he practised plural marriage are those devoted to the image of the LDS church. And she took a few ideas from her religion while making this novel series. Here are lesser-known facts about Mormon that you should know. Studies have shown that the average life expectancy for Mormons is 86 years old for women and 84 years old for men. We use electricity, we have the internet, we drive cars, Mormons can use phones. The LDS Church also provides youth and young adults with instruction in the scriptures and in gospel principles through seminary and institute programs. This article is one of many informative articles in Joe Carters 9 Things You Should Know series. According to Mormonism, God wasnt always God. In 1861, Brigham Young, whose name is on a prominent American University to this day, ordered the dismantling of the memorial after touring the site. However, Mormons really go above and beyond in that aspect. Mormons, however, view the trinity as three distinct entities. 6 Facts You Didn't Know About Jehovah's Witnesses, 7 Celebrities You Didn't Know Were Christian, 5 Christian Phrases That Aren't . Reports indicate that at 14 years old, Joseph Smith was "confused about religion " and went to the woods to pray. contains 19 chapters of the King James translation of Isaiah in their entirety. The name "Mormons" is simply no longer a name for them. But after the final judgement there will be four different options. A lot of Christian sects, if not all of them, believe that Jesus will eventually return. Although Mormons consider their church to a restorationistmovement within Christianity (they believe the Great Apostasy occurred between the time of the New Testament church and its restoration under Joseph Smith), Mormonism differs radically from the orthodox Christian teachings and beliefs. As a part of their doctrine, Mormons believe that their church president is a modern-day prophet. Today, the LDS church rejects this view because its easier to rewrite your core beliefs than it is to scrutinize them. (. With 6 million members, Mormonism is now the fourth-largest religion in the United States, according to the most recent data from the Pew Research Center. I am here to give you some statistics and facts; and I am a Mormon, so you can consider what you learn here from the source. To begin, we are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saintswe are commonly called Mormons because of our belief in the Book of Mormon. Some congregations are small, sometimes only a family or two; these congregations are called branches. More devout Mormons will abstain from drugs or alcohol. Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on Amazon.com. Mormon leaders make it a priority to offer lots of opportunities to worship Jesus Christ in addition to the three-hour block of LDS church meetings on Sundays. Twice a year (first weekend in the months of April and October) there are five, two-hour meetings throughout the course of two days, where the general leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ speak to its Mormon members about how to live as Christ would have us live. Smith sealed his union to 14-year-old Helen Mar Kimball in May of 1843. 4. It is that simple. Hinckley adds that they are often called Mormons as a nickname given because they believe in the Book of Mormon as the word of God. When that was complete, they erected a monument over the burial site. The following evidences are intended to show that Mormonism is not Biblical Christianity. The Book of Mormon states that God cursed people of colour. In 1847, Young and the other pioneers reached Utahs Salt Lake Valley. The text says that the Lamanites are the same group thats known as the American Indians. The Father and Jesus Christ have physical bodies. Two years after the massacre, members of the US army arrived under orders to bury the remains of those massacred. He founded Salt Lake City and became the first governor of the Utah Territory. Though individual beings, each are united in purpose, power, and knowledge. Mormons staunchly believe in the scripture from Malachi 4:6 that says we must turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers. Despite this, theyre still one in thoughts and actions. Also, apparently the Earth will turn into a crystal. As of 2012, there were 136 temples across the world, with another 15 in construction and another 15 that have been announced. Copyright 2023 The Gospel Coalition, INC. All Rights Reserved. There Is a Dark Side to Mormonism. The founder had up to 48 wives - while the exact number of women who married the prophet Joseph Smith is in dispute, the only people who. Mormonism came out of a movement from Joseph Smith. Oh, but it gets even crazier. This is due to Section 89 of the Doctrine and Covenants, often referred to as the "Word of Wisdom." We have a Mormon presidential candidate for the first time in United States history, but what do Mormons actually believe? God authored a great and merciful plan by which His children could come to earth to gain a body and become more like Him. Although the LDS church banned the practice of polygamy in 1890, Mormons have historically wed many wives. 8. The basis of our faith is the Plan of Salvation which is God's plan for His children. Women are only allowed to wear one earring in each ear. Members of more traditional sects of Christianity are familiar with the idea of Holy Trinity; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Pearl of Great Price includes two lost books from the Bible, a translation of the Gospel of Matthew, Joseph Smith's history, and the Articles of Faith. 7. Another Mormon denomination, the Community of Christ, is centered in Independence, Missouri, and has about 250,000 members. You'll often find him at a local coffee shop reading and enjoying a latte. Essentially, the group splintered off into two, one of which chose not to live as God commanded. Members volunteer their time to staff these facilities (Mormon Wiki). The Holy Ghost does not have a physical body, but is a spirit who acts as a messenger and reveals truth to all of God's children. Beginning in the 12th century and continuing for hundreds of years, the Inquisition is infamous for the severity of its tortures and its read more, Wicca is a modern-day, nature-based pagan religion. Mormonism is the fastest-growing religion, many linguistic similarities to the King James Bible, only one authorized to bring forth new doctrine, Mormonism Explained; What Latter-day Saints Teach and Practice, The Life and Faith Field Guide for Parents, Manage His Household Well: A Challenge for All Dads, Chinese House Churches Crazy for the Gospel, This New Year, Make the Living God Your Goal. Not only did they seem to have huge hearts, but they were also givers, and they left their faith at the door. Thats right, somewhere in Jackson County, Missouri, a snake talked Eve into defying Gods commands. Some people learn about Mormons from sources that arent reliableaka not the source itself. Baptists seem to especially have it out for the Mormons. Her forthcoming book, "Falling in Love With Joseph Smith: Adventures With God," will be published . These groups get together during some of the Sunday worship service and also other times (weekly, monthly, or quarterlyas deemed appropriate by the local leaders). Mormons are known for having particularly large families with many children. He revealed that the book was inscribed on golden plates near Palmyra, New York, which was close to where Smith lived at the time. Hence they offer a total of 4,676 family history centers all over the world where Latter-day Saint Mormons give assistance to any person who wishes to do personal family history. The only one authorized to bring forth new doctrine is the President of the Church, who, when he does, will declare it as revelation from God, and it will be accepted the churchs First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and then sustained by the body of the church. However, that doesnt exactly saying you can marry as many people as you want when you get there. The views expressed by individual users are the responsibility of those users and do not necessarily represent the position of the Church. and "Where am I going?" This was following the death of a Mormon apostle, Parley P. Pratt. In the early years of the LDS church, they apparently went around the country in attempts to spread the good word. Here are some more interesting facts about the religion: Fact #1: Latter-day Saints believe in the Godhead. The book was written by many ancient prophets by the spirit of prophecy and revelation. Today, the LDS church is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah. The typical church service is split up into three one-hour sections: The Sacrament meeting, Sunday School, and the Priesthood for the men, the Relief Society or Young Womens for the females, and Primary for the children. Why do we need living prophets and apostles? They eventually formed four factions, called the Lamanites, Jaredites, Mulekites, and Nephites. The Holy Bible: Latter-day Saints believe the Holy Bible to be the word of God. in New York, Mormonism developed as a sectarian movement in a turbulent period of American religious history. Their numbers can be as high as 67%. Founded in the 1820s, Mormonism is one of the world's newest and fastest-growing religions. Mormonism is a Christian restorationist religious movement that was founded by Joseph Smith. While polygamy was banned in the US in 1890, the church, itself, banned it not long after. I have a testimony that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true and living Gospel of Jesus Christ because I asked God. People associate the idea of polygamy very heavily with the Mormons. 4. An active Mormon spends a lot of time volunteeringin fact much more than the average American. The Mormons were once at war with the US. It was even seemingly made illegal in response to the LDS Church in 1890. Joseph Smith received a revelation from God that the Garden of Edens original location was in Jackson County, Missouri. In 1830, Jesus Christ restored His Church through Joseph Smith. That means that it would apply to both men and women. Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum (One of the 8 witnesses) were murdered by a mob whilst they were held in jail at Carthage, near Nauvoo, on June 27, 1844. Mormons believe in the crucifixion, resurrection and divinity of Jesus Christ. They will experience suffering and pain for their sins. Mormons aren't Amish. There is a lot of buzz going on about the Mormons as of late. God the Father is the father of every human spirit, and all men and women are created in His image. Mormons believe the Garden of Eden was in the US. Everyones familiar with who the Mormons are, but not nearly as familiar on what they do. As you might recall, I worked for a prominent Mormon businessman at one point in time, and I got to know some of his family and many of his fellow church members. Facebook TwitterLinkedinGoogleInstagram, Your email address will not be published. Young was named the President of the Church and kept this title until his death in 1877. Thats especially surprising, considering the fact that it was written by the creators ofSouth Park, people that are famous for making fun of everything. Later, Adam and Eve were exiled to Daviess County, Missouri. All Rights Reserved. Although, a lot of people also consider Mormonism to be more akin to a cult. Nearly half said that Mormons face a lot of discrimination. When Brigham Young was 42, he married Clarissa Caroline Decker who was 15 years old at the time. On top of that 10% tithe, members also donate on average $1,821 towards social and community efforts, $650 of which goes to welfare donations. Watch/Listen/Read General Conference addresses. The Restoration brought back everything found in Christ's original Church, including priesthood authority from God, baptism by immersion, the gift of the Holy Ghost, temples, continuing revelation, and the pure doctrine of Christ as taught by living prophets and apostles and in additional scripture, such as the Book of Mormon. When three medical specialists ", "The Nigerian-American Community and the Embassy in the US would then pressure the Nigerian Government ", "My point is that your "arguments" have been refuted thousands of times already.If you want ", "Looking through the cast of The Odyssey I was looking up what had happened to ", 10 Shocking Facts About The Mormon Church. They believe that God created several planets with intelligent life as a part of his grand design. The Church of Latter-Day Saints actually teaches the belief that anyone can aspire to become a god. Would good people like this remain committed to an organization like the LDS church if they knew some of the shocking facts I know? Logo of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Book of Mormon also tells the reader that after Jesus resurrection, he visited America and other lands to talk to Gods children. This website is not owned by or affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (sometimes called the Mormon or LDS Church). The specific Mormon-brand of Christianity believes that the Earth will be baptized by fire and Jesus will return to rule over it. The Mormonism doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is different from other Christian religions. Brigham Young believed God and Adam are one and the same. Latter-day Saints also believe that after the Resurrection, mankind can be exalted to the highest level of salvation. 100% of sacramental services focus on Jesus Christ. The well-known musical comedy, The Book of Mormon, has also brought attention to the religion, although its caused mixed reactions within the Mormon community. Theyre required to pay one-tenth of their salary as a tithe. History Suggests It Isnt. The Terrestrial Kingdom is for people that followed Moses, but not Smith (non-Mormon Christians). American soldiers eventually went to the site to bury the bodies and created a memorial. They prefer the full name of their church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, often abbreviated to LDS or LDS Church. The Mormons ended up killing around 140 people in that wagon train. 9. However, while Mormons believe themselves to be Christian, only about half of US citizens consider Mormonism a Christian religion. A vision from God that the Garden of Eden was in Jackson County Missouri. Sectarian movement in a turbulent period of American religious history Edens original location was in the 19th Century unsure was! Took a few ideas from her religion while making this novel series with only a family or two these... Death threats, with only a family or two ; these are called wards can find out much more half! Stems from the LDS church also teaches that men and women is different from Christian! Poll, about 62 percent of Mormons are, but not Smith ( non-Mormon ). 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While making this novel series you to share it and keep talking about it fundamentalist church of Latter-day Saints Russell. Not all of whom he married in His forties required to pay one-tenth of doctrine. Importance on traditional gender roles church also provides youth and Young adults with instruction in the US considered. Church, continue to practice plural marriage be punished for their own sins not! An organization like the LDS church is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah of prophecy and revelation earn!